FrostByte Communications are now offering you yet another great FREE service, Unified Messaging. For those of you unfamiliar with the term, unified messaging is a service that brings your Voicemail, FAX and Email all to the one place, your email inbox ! You also get your own unique phone number which when called, can forward the call to the telephone(s) you register, the service will ring each phone in turn that you have registerd (including your mobile) until it finds the one you are at. If none of these phones get answered the call is automatically diverted to the voicemail facility and the voice message will be sent straight to your email inbox.
You get your own unique "free for life" phone number which when called, can forward calls to the phone numbers you register, the service will ring each phone you have registered (including your mobile) until it finds the one you are at. If none of the phones are answered the call is answered by the voicemail facility and the voice message will be sent straight to your email address. If you prefer not to be bothered by phone calls you can select all calls to go straight to voicemail to be forwarded to your email. |
You also get a unique FAX number, unlike some Unified Messaging services, with FrostByte you get seperate numbers for Voice and FAX which means you will miss fewer calls or faxes and also looks more professional of your business cards ! |
Your FAXes and Voicemail are sent to your existing email account so you only need to check one place for all your messages ! |
Take a look at how it works :
If you want to learn more about the FrostByte unified Messaging service take a look at the FAQ and examples of how useful they are to Jobseekers & Contractors. For full information and details of alternative and competitvely priced phone number here.